Historic Havre de Grace: Street by Street
contains more information about 450 historic buildings on 34 streets in downtown Havre de Grace, Maryland, than you can find in any other one place. All are within the boundaries of the Havre de Grace National Register Historic District.
But that’s just to start—this is a dynamic website to which I will be adding more buildings and updating as I complete more research. I have organized this site alphabetically by street and then by house number, making it easy for you to locate any specific address. Every address/building listed is 50 or more years old although some of the buildings have been renovated, rebuilt, preserved, no longer exist, or have been built over old foundations. All addresses have at least two current photos for easy identification and some have been enhanced by older photos that I have collected over several years. I selected the currently included buildings randomly to write about so if you don’t find a particular address please check back later—more are coming.