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600 South Washington Street, c. 1920

This property is on the southwest corner of Lewis and South Washington Streets. In 1916, this was the residence of Edgar C. Kelly, who began the Kelly Bottling Company in a building behind this house on Lewis Street. In the 1930s this house was owned by Carrie Fairland, who with 2 others incorporated the Kelly Bottling Company in 1937 when Edgar Kelly died. The bottling company had begun as The Whistle Bottling Company in 1907 behind Carrie’s property on Lewis Street. Carrie Fairland had a beautiful garden behind the house with a path going down to the bottling company, on the corner of Lodge Lane and Lewis Street. That garden has now been paved over as a parking lot as can be seen in photos.
Carrie Fairland rented rooms to schoolteachers during the school year. She was a sister of Cornelia K. Leffler who had a small store at 517 South Washington Street that was demolished to make a hospital parking lot. Kay Pearson Keetley loved going here as a child—she would have lunch with Judy Johnson Tegler at “Aunt Carrie’s” and then go up the street to Cornelia Leffler’s for ice cream.
County Records
Harford County Records for this property are listed under 400-402 Lewis Street; please see that address. 600 South Washington Street serves as a mailing address.
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