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551 Franklin Street, Presbyterian Church of Havre de Grace, c. 1840

The Presbyterian Church was built in 1841 during the transportation boom as construction flourished with the railroad, canal, and steamship lines. Within two years, the congregation constructed a simple frame Greek Revival Style building for its worship. The same basic building has been in use for Sunday and evening services ever since. This church is shown on the 1885 Sanborn Insurance Map.
There have been some interior changes since the mid-19th century. A choir box was once located on the south interior wall. It has been covered over although the space and steps to it remain on the west side of the enclosed porch. And Home Lodge No.2160 of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows is said to have been here from 1890 to 1918.
Georgian style entablatures and dentil trim were added to the doors and windows in the 1960s and the furniture, with the exception of the pews, are believed to be original. In 1977 the entire structure was given a white brick veneer and the latest improvement has been the installation of a large elevator. Initially built in a strict Greek Revival form, the church probably received its projecting entrance porch in 1884 when the Victorian Manse was built west of the church on the Stokes Street side of Franklin Street. The Manse was demolished in 1960 to make space for the Christian Education Building and parking lot. On November 20, 2016, the congregation celebrated its 175th anniversary, said Sandy Matthews, a deacon.
County Records
Built 1900. 7300 sq ft brick church. Exempt commercial. 25,000 sq ft lot.
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