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100 Erie Street at the Water

There was a lot of activity on the Susquehanna River at the east end of Erie Street. The 1885 Sanborn Insurance Map shows the Coale and Bailey Fish Shed, the Consumer Ice Company Wharf, and James Hopper’s Coal Wharf. And some of the land at the corner of Erie and Water Streets is now owned by the Havre de Grace Marine Center of 723 Water Street.
In 1865, James Hopper had built a large home nearby at the intersection of Ontario and North Stokes Streets for his family. By 1904 some of the above businesses had been replaced by Coulehan & Hogan Fish Packing and the Silver & Spencer’s wharf. While those businesses were located on the water’s side of Erie and Water Streets, an inland corner building was the garage of the W.E. Burns & Bros. Carriage Factory, which moved to Green Street in 1896. In 1904 that became the home of a Bottling Works.
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