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429 St. John Street, c. 1994

The original building here was constructed on a lot that originally was sold by court trustee Albert Constable, Sr., Esquire (1805-1855), at public sale in 1834 to Abraham Jarrett Thomas (1777-1842). The public sale was the result of a property dispute between William Williams and the Havre de Grace Ferry Company. The land was “five contiguous Lots 33, 38, 44, 50, 56 in Square 247, which is bound on the north by Warren Street, south by Franklin Street, west by St. John Street, and east by Susquehanna River.” It later became owned by the Havre de Grace Water Company.
The property was sold by the Water Company President, Carroll Albaugh (1880-1930), to its Secretary, George W. Albaugh of Carroll County. George Albaugh was an entrepreneur and co-owner of the Albaugh and Babylon Grocery Company. George Albaugh’s Executor sold this property in 1940 to Christopher J. Rosemer, who also bought the property next door at 419-425 St. John Street. This property then went to Herman and Naomi Fritsche, followed by David Walden and Willa Gaitanis, who sold it in 1994 to John A. Stephens, Jr. David Walden at that time was operating the Golden Vein Antique Mall with 40 antique dealers at 408-410 North Union Avenue (now known as Bahoukas) and the following year he unsuccessfully ran for Mayor.
John Stephens constructed this building in 1994 with three levels; the second level store and third level apartment are accessed from St. John Street and each level has a balcony or porch on the river side. The ground level is accessed from the rear of the building (on the east or river side) where there is a parking lot.
Beginning in 1994, the second level became Stephens and Stephens’ Clock Shop, with John Stephens, who by then already had 25 years of experience in selling and repairing clocks. Around 2010 the second level shop became Salon Marielle, owned by Mary Anne Madeiros, when John Stephens moved his Clock Shop to the ground level. After the salon moved a couple of years later, this second level became Color Images Salon and Day Spa owned by Stacie Dalcourt.
Stephens and Stephens Clocks remains on the ground floor, accessed from the rear of the building where Brad Fogarty, Charlie Monnin, and Chandler Blake are John Stephens’ team. They specialize in repair and restoration of antique clocks, watches and other mechanical timepieces, with Charlie Monin focusing on cuckoo clocks and woodwork.
This building, along with the cottage at 433 St. John Street, continue to be owned by John Stephens.
County Records
Built 1994. 2134 sq ft, commercial retail store, 4237 sq ft lot.
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